Donations and Offertory
Donate through PayPal
We have recently launched online giving allowing you to donate to Christchurch Eltham by Direct Debit and credit/debit card.
As we have received a number of queries on how to continue with their weekly offertory under the current circumstances, also we would like to ensure that no one needs to leave the house to drop their weekly offertory to the Parish by risking their health, we felt the need to create a channel between our Parishioners and Parish.
Please click 'Donate' below: you will be guided through the steps to donate the amount of your choice.
For those who have already signed up for Gift Aid, please fill the online form (Link: ) so that we will be able to claim 25% on the amount that you donate online.
Do not forget to tick in the box to share your mailing address with us so we will know you have donated!
A big heart-felt thank you for your generosity in advance!