Donations and Offertory


Donate through PayPal

We have recently launched online giving allowing you to donate to Christchurch Eltham by Direct Debit and credit/debit card.

As we have received a number of queries on how to continue with their weekly offertory under the current circumstances, also we would like to ensure that no one needs to leave the house to drop their weekly offertory to the Parish by risking their health,  we felt the need to create a channel between our Parishioners and Parish.

Please click 'Donate' below: you will be guided through the steps to donate the amount of your choice.

For those who have already signed up for Gift Aid, please fill the online form (Link: ) so that we will be able to claim 25% on the amount that you donate online. 

Do not forget to tick in the box to share your mailing address with us so we will know you have donated!

A big heart-felt thank you for your generosity in advance!






Would you consider to give the Parish regularly?

The new way of giving using Standing Order has become more and more popular in the light of recent lockdown.  Therefore we continue to encourage our parishioners to move onto the online platform. 

Please download our Parish Pledge Form from the link below to start your process to give the parish online and regularly.

Without you, our parish would not exist.  THANK YOU!

Christchurch Parish Pledge Form 

Are you a UK Tax Payer?  Please sign up for Gift Aid!

Gift Aid is a scheme which allows charities to claim from HMRC, the basic rate of tax their donors have paid. Gift Aid increases the value of your donations by 25%, so it means even more money goes to the Parish that you deeply care about – and it won’t cost you extra!

All you need to complete is one Gift Aid declaration form and the Parish will arrange for the Gift Aid to be added to each of your donation.   Likewise, if your circumstances change and your donations are no longer eligible for Gift Aid, you just need to let the Parish Office know, and we will do the rest.

Please sign up by filling the form and send it over to the Parish Office.

Gift Aid Declaration Form 


Shop and raise funds at no cost to yourself!

Raise funds while you shop online: join and discover the many retailers, utility suppliers etc. who will make a small donation for every penny you spend.

Visit, open an account and choose Christchurch Priory - Eltham as your charity.


  • Saturday Vigil 6pm

  • Sunday Children's Mass 9:30am

  • Sunday Sung Mass 11:30am

  • Sunday Evening 6.30pm