
Parish Quiz Night

This is held on the first Saturday of every month in the Parish Hall at 7.30 - 10.00pm. All are welcome. Bring a team or join a team on the night.  Entry £5. Tea and coffee are available. Bring your own drinks and nibbles.

Next Quiz Night:  Saturday 4th January 2020.

Cake Sales

Delicious homemade cakes are on sale after the 9.30am and 11.30am Masses on the first Sunday of the month.

Any contributions by way of cakes, biscuits, cup cakes etc are always welcome.

Next Cake Sale:  5th January 2020.

Christmas Concert

The Belles and Mark G are back with their amazing voices in another magical night filled with festive music, hosted by the Christchurch Women's Association.

Please join us in the Parish Hall on Saturday 21st December after the Vigil Mass.

Entry - £5 per adult, £1 per child.   Wine and soft drinks will be available to purchase.

For any further information and for advance tickets, please call the Parish Office on 020 8850 1666.


How are we doing?

Christmas Fayre: we raised £1238 - our thanks to all those who helped on the day, who contributed items and who came along to support us. Special thanks to the St Mary's Catholic Primary School Choir whose singing so enhanced the festive spirit.

Santa's Grotto: we raised £195 - our thanks to all those who helped on the day and those who came along to support us. Special thanks to the Christchurch Children's Choir and their accompanists whose lovely music really made this a festive occasion.

Christmas Raffle: we raised £556. Many thanks to our ticket sellers and to all those who took part. 

Easyfundraising:  now 81 supporters who have raised £2273.59 (running total). Many thanks to those who have joined this scheme. If you are not yet signed up, visit and pick Christ Church Priory - Eltham as your cause. Every time you shop online, the retailer will donate a small percentage of what you have spent to our parish at no extra cost to you.


  • Saturday Vigil 6pm

  • Sunday Children's Mass 9:30am

  • Sunday Sung Mass 11:30am

  • Sunday Evening 6.30pm