New to the Parish?
Welcome to our parish family!
Join the Parish
Welcome to the Christchurch Eltham Parish. Please take a few minutes to read our New Welcome Leaflet to see what we offer!
Click here to register with us.
Please visit our Sacraments pages from the menu bar if you have a child to be baptised / receive First Holy Communion or Confirmation.
Gift Aid your donations
If you are a UK tax payer, this will add 23% to your donation at no cost to you.
Make your donations by standing order
The new way of giving using Standing Order has become more and more popular in the light of recent lockdown. Therefore we continue to encourage our parishioners to move onto the online platform.
Please download our Parish Pledge Form from the link below to start your process to give the parish online and regularly.
Christchurch Parish Pledge Form
Are you interested in becoming a Catholic?
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process designed for adults seeking to become members of the Roman Catholic Church.
The course content can be tailored to suit the preferences and needs of each individual parish but aims to reach its conclusion with reception into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday - the day before Easter Sunday.
Currently, at Christchurch, the RCIA course starts after Easter with meetings every Monday evening at 7.30 until 9.00 pm but there are no meetings during school holidays or on Bank holidays. The evening is divided into two sessions: during the first we work through the Scripture readings for the following Sunday. During the second session we look at the teachings of Christianity and of the Catholic Church in the hope that candidates will be ready for reception at Easter.
For more information visit